This year allowed me to achieve many of my goals from my dream list. First, I could travel abroad to study in one of my favorite countries, Spain. I am confident that this experience will forever propel me with better understanding how to work in a culturally diverse environment, and to appreciate people's differences in the workforce. My second item on my dream list was to become an inductee for two honor societies: 1) Duns Scotus Honor Society and 2) The International Honor Society for Psychology (PSI CHI). The third item is that I had the honor of participating as a student intern/shadow for the Health Career Opportunity Program at NYU Langone’s Rusk Rehabilitation in the Social Work Department.
Junior Year, Fall 2022:
Lower Intermediate Italian: a continuation of my requirements for my minor in Italian.
Utopian & Dystopian Lit: I felt like going deeper into the philosophy realm. I noticed that in this class some students discussed and agreed that today’s society is somehow going into a dystopian world with the fantasy of creating a utopia. I also put into work my website design skills from the previous Digital Literature course. See my Far From Utopia website here.
Cognitive Psychology: It was a requirement for my major and I found it useful for the theories learned and better comprehension of the human mind and its functions.
Psychobiology: Because a psychology professor recommended this class, I chose to enroll. It is significant to understand the brain both in terms of its structure and its functions as well as how it can be seen or influence people’s behaviors and emotions depending on illnesses or damages to certain parts of the brain. This class was wonderful because my professor, Dr. Egan, made engaging lectures.
Experimental Psychology 1 and Recitation: My most important project as a Psychology Major because here I started my thesis. Here, I also put into practice my knowledge and skills gained through my college years and my research abilities.
1. Second Year Italian II: See above.
2. Applied Psychology: As I was deciding which area of Psychology I want to pursue, this course offered me an overview of the different realms of psychology. I also did an internship for Good Morning Parents, which is an organization that supports justice involved individuals and their families.
3. Experimental Psychology II and Recitation: Concluding the thesis.
4. Latino Culture and Literature: Never took a class in Latino culture, and I am a Latina. Thus, I enrolled on this one. It opened my eyes to the achievements and legacy of many Latino leader figures. Here is a sample of one of my papers.
1. Spanish and Latinoamerica Literature: A recount of the history of Spanish Literature while I was studying in Spain. I just LOVE it! Here I took the initiative to create my blog Dominicana Viajera, where I tell the stories of my experience in Segovia, Spain.
2. Spanish Civilization & Culture: While I was in Spain, this course was marvelous. We went on tours to study the places we were reading and studying from different parts of Spain. WONDERFUL experience.
After coming back from Spain to the United States, I started the summer program in NYU as a student intern for the Health Career Opportunity Programs at the Social Work Department, Rusk Rehabilitation, NYU Langone Health. See more here and on my "About me and Contact" page.